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Fire shutters provide an added layer of safety for both commercial properties and homes. They can help to contain the spread of a fire and prevent smoke damage by controlling oxygen flow. In some cases, this may even delay the onset of a fire and give rescuers time to arrive.

Fire rated shutters can be installed on the edges of doors and windows, above service counters and concession stands, and above loading bay doors. They also serve as barriers for buildings that are close together, preventing fires from spreading between them.

A standard tubular motor fire shutter operates upon receiving a volt-free signal from the main fire alarm system, a heat or smoke detector, or the 165 degree melting fuse link. It will then either ‘open’ or ‘close’ in accordance with your business’s fire risk assessment.

Understanding Fire Shutters: Enhancing Safety in Commercial Spaces

Some of our shutters are programmable and can be controlled via a remote control unit, or alternatively by an in-house heat/smoke detector. This allows the shutter to be programmed to open halfway, so that escape routes remain open for longer, or it can be set to close fully after a certain amount of time.

Some new builds require Fire Shutters as part of the building permit process in order to comply with strict city fire codes and avoid costly delays and penalties. This is especially the case in dense residential areas where mandatory setbacks and distances are not feasible. In these cases, a Fire Shutter can be an effective and affordable way to meet code requirements.

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